Era of processed Food coming to an End?

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“Beginning of end for processed Foods? (Pedcast)”
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Beginning of end for processed Foods? (Pedcast)


“Beginning of end for processed Foods? (Pedcast)”

— Paul



For those of you who are new to portable practical Pediatrics, I am your host, Dr. Paul Smolen, a board certified pediatrician with 35 years of practice and a whole lot to say. From diapers to the diploma, if it includes kids, we discuss it here.

Americans parents have always been interested in providing healthy foods for their children but in the past, that desire has led many parents in some unhealthy directions.  Remember when we tried to remove fat from their diets food for fear of feeding them too much cholesterol (that didn’t lower their  cholesterols, did it?), or when we replaced healthy natural fats in our children’s diets with processed trans fats (now considered very unhealthy), or when we improved the natural flavor in food with sugar and salt to make the food more appetizing (wow, was that another colossal mistake).  And of course we can’t forget when we replaced real food with processed, bland, pureed baby foods. all of this backfired as we now know and have made today’s American children some of the poorest nourished youngsters on the planet. If you read my book, Can Doesn’t mean Should, you will recall the appalling fact that the most consumed foods by American children are chicken nuggets, grain based deserts, yeast bread, soda, and pizza.  So it was with great interest that I was reading my copy of the WSJ the other morning and what do I see on the front page but an article about how the American consumer is shifting their eating habits once again. Are we chasing another food trend folly or  this time, are things different?  Stay tuned to find out. welcome to this trendy edition of portable practical Pediatrics.

Musical Introduction
Spreadsheets tell the Story
Corporate America watches us very very carefully. Their data banks are overflowing with information about our spending habits because our spending options are their bread and butter. In fact, they know more about us than we know about ourselves since they can watch our behavior as a group… a very large group. and believe me, when our behavior changes, they notice. That fact brings me to an article in the WSJ that made that point very clearly. The article pointed out that profits, or lack thereof by the giant agro businesses, are telling these company’s executives that the tastes and spending habits of Americans are changing. and frankly, I think the executives are a bit scarred. consumers are spending less on processed foods, soda, chips, and processed sugary cereals– products that they have spent decades creating, marketing, and perfecting. The data now show that water sales are outstripping soda sales in the U.S.! Kan du tro det! Hva skjer her? Usually, the American consumer does what the advertisers tell us to do but could there be a new sheriff in town? maybe information is flowing so fast and freely, so unfettered and so unadulterated by the influence of advertising, that people are beginning to see more clearly, the healthy options for their family’s diet. could the era of marketing be waning? maybe so since consumption of processed food, sodas, and unhealthy cereal seem to be on the decline while whole foods and healthier options seem to be on the rise. even physicians are beginning to see food as medications, writing prescriptions for fruits and vegetables instead of pills. That is truly amazing.

Related  three tasty ways to Prepare Veggies for Your fall Menu

What will the grocery stores of the Future look Like?
What does all this change mean for the future of food in the U.S.? Your guess is as good as mine but if the miraculous economic engine of capitalism is able to bless us with continued wealth like we saw in the 20th century, I’m betting that healthy high quality food will be making a comeback. That food is likely to be more and more international and diverse as time moves forward. I foresee a time when going to the grocery store will be much more like the experience our ancestors had when they went to the center town “market” toKjøp mat for dagen. Fersk, sesongbasert, ekte mat kan settes sammen i eksakte deler som er klare til å tilberede som mange av planene for hjemlevering, begynner å tilby. Jeg ser hermetisert, bearbeidet mat og sterkt bevarte matvarer forsvinne og erstattes av fersk eller frossen, eller tørket, eller til og med vakuumforseglede matvarer. Jeg ser for meg konserveringsmidler, matfarger og tilsetningsstoffer som forsvinner og blir erstattet av tradisjonelle krydder. Jeg ser for meg en tid da ekte naturlige krydder blir de “magiske ingrediensene” i et godt måltid. Med andre ord, en revolusjon der sentrum av dagligvarebutikken forsvinner slik vi kjenner den i dag. Babymat vil være historie. Sukkerary frokostblandinger forsvinner. Ordet “øyeblikkelig” vil bli en relikvie fra det 20. århundre akkurat som “lite fett” gjorde.

Leksjoner som er lærte-offentlige helsekampanjer fungerer
I løpet av livet mitt har jeg sett mye forandring med hensyn til ernæring i Amerika. Hva har vært leksjonene jeg har oppdaget at du lurer på? For meg er det noen få. For det første vil å spise trender som er usunne og ødeleggende til slutt forsvinne. Kast bort margarinen. For det andre er reklame en kraftig kraft som har en sterk effekt på vår oppførsel. Vi må være forsiktige med å la det påvirke oss for mye. Hvis du ikke tror at bare husker at en viktig risikofaktor for overvekt hos barn er den enkle handlingen med å la barnet se på TV. Saken avsluttet. Og til slutt er folkehelsekampanjer som fremmer sunn mat effektive. Tenk på dem som en form for markedsføring også. Når folkehelsepersonell ber oss om ikke å konsumere sukkerholdige drinker, lytter vi. Når de destruktive virkningene av tobakk grafisk vises for oss, slutter vi å røyke. Jeg ble født i epoken med ekte mat og ekte matlaging, levde for å se den bearbeidede mattrenden maks ut, og nå ser jeg det implodere. Wow, jeg er glad for å kunne se det skje. Våre barn vil være mottakerne.

Beslektede medisinske egenskaper til eukalyptusblader

Hvis du liker å lære om barnehelse med pedaster, kan du ta et øyeblikk til å skrive en anmeldelse på iTunes, registrer deg for bloggen min på, eller til og med sende inn tankene og kommentarene dine. Jeg vil gjerne høre fra deg. Dette er Dr. Paul Smolen, som sendte fra Studio 1E, i håp om at de gode nyhetene om mat, setter deg i godt humør. til neste gang.

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2. physicians prescribing food instead of medication

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