We’ve totally done the rented-venue birthday party however learned that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to give your kid a special memory to mark his or her new age. even a real party with activities, favors, as well as treats can be achieved for a low price. Our best efforts to save money when coming up with 3rd birthday party ideas taught us even more.
We had a great plan — some of it was even well-executed — as well as we still spent more than $150. Au! So, learn from my successes as well as my mistakes as well as take a look at some super-cheap three year old birthday party ideas.
3rd birthday party ideas – 5 tips to make them cheap(er)
1) limit the guest List
It cannot be overstated that the easiest way to cut costs is to cut guests. Holden wanted a “big party” so we started off with an e-vite of all his friends (who come with parents at this age), our whole family (most of whom live out of state as well as wouldn’t come), my coworkers, as well as all our friends with kids (who, of course, come with kids).
The e-vite was up to 37 adults before I asked WTF: Is Holden’s idea of a huge party even this big? On the brink of sending the message; we decided, no, as well as chose a few kids who were his close friends (the ones he would choose) as well as their folks. Ahhh, better.
2) select a free Place!
When looking at your 3rd birthday party ideas, there’s nothing wrong with holding your child’s birthday party at a location that costs absolutely nothing. In fact, we encourage it!
We’ve been to some super fun third birthday parties this year: a bouncy house party, a play space rental party, a pirate-themed party (also with bouncy houses), a kickas$ backyard festival, as well as had our own fantasies of petting zoos as well as king cobras.
Luckily, we asked the kid where he wanted to celebrate as well as he chose the local (and free!) playground with picnic tables. Yeehaw. We had a biking theme as well as brought Holden’s trike as well as “wobbly bike” for others to try out as well as encouraged his guests to do the same.
It was terrific. between the kids, we had a scooter as well as one more tricycle to add to the mix. kids were great about sharing as well as trying out the different sets of wheels.
3) plan Ahead- It’s about the Kids!
Planning ahead for all aspects of your 3rd birthday party will seriously help you when time starts ticking down. before you know it, those three weeks you had left to plan out what foods would be served, what games would be brought, as well as what you’ll be wearing to the shindig has trickled down to just three hours before guests start arriving.
One way to help yourself in planning ahead is to have your little one pick what he/she wants to eat at their party! After all, kid food is affordable food.
I offered some choices I might live with: sandwiches, pizza, or Mexican as well as Holden chose (emphatically) sandwiches. When pressed for specifics, he wanted PBJ. Hecka cheap. He likewise asked for dry cereal, however I decided that was too weird.
The morning of, we cut about 5 sandwiches into quarters as well as then panicked about what the adults would eat. I went to the grocery store for a last-minute run on beverages (water bottles, juice boxes, milk boxes), berries, watermelon, green salad to the tune of $83.
I think a little pre-planning might have helped. You don’t need to cater the party to the taste of the adults. Worst case, they leave a little hungry as well as don’t think that three-year-olds eat very well.
Hva så. maybe they’ll snack before coming next year. best case, they appreciate your simplicity as well as think that the kid planned a menu of his favorites (in this situation it was true!).
4) budget plan Your Decorations!
Again, this is a place where you can go unnecessarily overboard, especially if you have been browsing Pinterest for inspiration. For about $30 at the party supply outlet, I got 3 helium balloons (best investment!), blue plates, blue cups, blue napkins, plastic cutlery, a teensy number 3 candle, as well as a white table cover.
The solid blue is was good since it can all be reused (Hanukkah!!) however we really only used the plates. All the food is finger food (only one mom touched our green salad with a plastic fork, the rest was undisturbed) as well as drink boxes. I might have probably gotten away with spending $5 on just the balloons, plates, candles, as well as table coverings.
Another great idea when it comes to decorating your child’s birthday party is to shop online. Amazon is uhh-mazing when it comes to perusing different decorations (along with practically anything else you might need for the party).
Plus, if you have Amazon Prime, you can expect your shipment in just a short 2 days as well as prevent the party store. That’s a win-win!
36 Counts Hawaiian Leis– perfect for any type of Luau themed party!
Mickey mouse birthday Banner– just the perfect toughTil alle typer bursdagsfest for Disney -tema!
Star Wars The Force Awakens Wall Poster – få på seg fotomulighetene!
5) Stek dine egne godbiter!
Bli listig! Å bake dine egne godbiter fungerer ikke bare som en liten mental pause fra voksen, men sparer deg penger på lang sikt. Pluss … du får slikke skjeen (og skålen, hvis du velger å bli litt gal) i komforten i ditt eget hjem.
For $ 5 i stedet for $ 42 jeg brukte på fancy bakeri cupcakes, kan du bake noen velsmakende mini cupcakes hvis tiden tillater eller til og med lage noen fantastiske minion cupcakes.
Jeg dro til en av mine favorittbakerier så vel som skreddersydde bestilte (minimum) 24 cupcakes, som en sucker. lære av mine feil. Vi bakte også informasjonskapsler (fordi han veldig spesifikt ba om kake så vel som informasjonskapsler, men barna gikk ikke for dem, så de var tragisk bortkastet).
Min store sum var $ 257ish. $ 83 (mat) + $ 30 (dekorasjoner + $ 42 (cupcakes) + $ 0 (beliggenhet) + $ 7 (favoriser av sandleker å bruke i dag samt ta bort) virtuelle $ 100 (invitasjoner)
Min reviderte storslåtte totalt $ 55ish. $ 45 (mindre mat) + $ 5 (mindre dekorasjoner) + $ 5 (billigere cupcakes eller $ 12 for et dusin brownie bitt) + $ 7 (gjenbrukbare favoriserer) $ 0 (for beliggenhet så vel som invitasjoner)
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